Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Anecdotes of a flight attendant

A while ago I flew AirFrance from Seoul to Paris. AirFrance is by far my least favorite aviation company, thus I was dreading that flight very much. In the end it was half as bad, since my steward was not French but German.
The nice steward, of the plump cheery German sort, was very chatty and amused my neighbor (who also turned out to be German) with little steward-anecdotes. You might have noticed, for example, that shortly before take-off, flight attendants are spraying something in the cabin: it is a bug-spray that kills all the bugs instantly (I wonder what effects it might have on humans...). According to WHO requirements this bug-spray has to be used on all long-distance flights since recently. The only aviation company that is exempted from this rule is Lufthansa since, as my cheery steward noted, “you might imagine how people would react, if they saw a German dispersing gas in the cabin”.


  1. K: "I have my first comment" :)))
    K: "Fuck... It's from O..."

  2. honey, always happy to see you here.
